Patsy Kelly, aged 33
Killed 24th July 1974,
Collusion with Security Forces
Patsy Kelly was a 33 year old married man with 4 children from Golan, co. Tyrone. He was a farmer and had taken over a Public House in the village of Trillick. He was the founder and driving force behind the Civil Rights Movement. He was also an elected Councillor.
Patsy Kelly left the pub he was running in Trillick to return to his home at approximately 12.15am on 24th July 1974 but never arrived. Shots were heard about 12.20am near his home. His car was found near Brookeborough. Bloodstains and some personal effects were found about a mile from his home. His body was found over two weeks later in Lough Eyes, weighted down by two 56lb weights.
No person was ever questioned, arrested or charged by the RUC for the murder of Patsy Kelly. A post mortem examination revelaed that the gun that killed Patsy Kelly was a Smith and Wesson revolver, then standard issue to UDR members.
In 1998 a former UDR man, who was found dead a year later, confessed in a pub that he witnessed the murder and named other UDR men who took part in the killing, but to date nobody has been charged with the killing.