Michael Naan, aged 31
Killed 23rd October 1972 by
Security Forces
Michael Naan was a 31 year old single man from Aughnachinch, Newtownbutler. He lived and worked on his farm where Andy Murray worked for him. He was a member of the civil rights organisation.
Michael Naan was murdered along with Andy Murray on his farm at Newtownbutler by members of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. The murder was a particularly brutal one, with both men being stabbed many times. The murder was covered up by security forces and people were initially led to belive it was a feud between the two men. It was not by astute detective work that the case was solved, but because on of those involved walked in to a police station and told what he knew. Two members of the regiment were subsequently charged with murder, one with manslaughter and a fourth wit withholding information.