Kevin McGovern, aged 19
Killed 29th September 1991
Shot Dead by the RUC
Kevin McGovern was a 19 year old single man from Gorgesh, Kinawley. He came from a family of seven. His greatest hobbies were playing pool and playing football. He was a young man full of life and fun who enjoyed the 'craic' with the lads. He was a student at Loughry Agriculture College, Cookstown.
Kevin McGovern was shot in the back on his way to a disco with two friends in Cookstown. The RUC initially said that Kevin failed to stop when challenged and he appeared to throw something towards the police. Witnesses at the scene totally contradicted the RUC's version of events.
The RUC man was charged with murder and brought to trial. The conclusion of the trial was that Officer Timothy Hanley had committed a 'tragic error' but no crime and was acting in self defence. The RUC confirmed that his suspension was lifted and he was back on the streets.